Reimagining workplaces as communities

Each Culture Kinesis offering is tailored to catalyze ‘cultural reimagination'—a process whereby participants from all experiences and ideologies begin the inner work necessary to confront and dismantle the cultural ideologies and narratives that obstruct organizational transformation. 

The Cultural Reimagination Process

  • (Re)building Intentional Community

    We fortify your team’s relationships in preparation for the work of cultural foundation-building.

  • Engaging in Critical Unlearning

    We remove layers of learned behaviors and limiting mindsets that threaten your team’s ability to lead creatively and authentically.

  • Embracing Radical Re-Education

    We cultivate the spaciousness needed for your team to identify new questions and values-aligned knowledge sources.

  • Articulating a Legacy

    We support you to outline your team’s intended cultural impact - both within your organization and larger society.

The Cultural Reimagination process explained

Cultural reimagination is the true bedrock of organizational transformation. By providing foundational programs and services as prerequisites, Culture Kinesis sets the stage for effective DEI implementation, aiming for deeper and more sustainable cultural transformation.

What's your starting point?

  • You're planning a DEI journey

    Our programs and services serve as prerequisites to effective DEI implementation. We lay a strong foundation by employing an intuitive approach to cultural change, centered around self-discovery, unlearning counterproductive beliefs, and reimagining the systems and frameworks we operate within.

  • You've already begun a DEI journey

    We facilitate either a turnaround or a deepening process for organizations that have already begun their DEI journey. Our focus becomes environmental assessment, identification of past skipped steps, and creation of a plan to return to missed culture-building opportunities.